Monday, May 23, 2016

Post 3

Now that I know there's this big socially awkward THING out there I realize that I can recount things from childhood all the way up to yesterday that make me cringe a little inside.  And I've just had my eyes opened up that this is not normal.  Who was to know that not everyone gets home from a social event and re-hashes all of their conversations, cray.

Also, have you seen the meme's out there?! Love love love.  It almost makes the crippling embarrassment worth it because of how funny the retrospect is... almost.

Let's dig into the vault for another awkward moment...

When C and I adopted little B (the pup) he was the cutest little terror, albeit so much of a terror that I almost didn't notice his cuteness.  He fucked shit up, every damn day.  We finally decided to enroll him is some dog manners classes, which were insanely hard for me to get the courage to go to.  I stressed the.whole.time we were at those damn classes and obviously stressed C out through osmosis.

Unfortunately C was away at work for the middle two classes.  I considered not showing up but coming home to that sweet little pup and a house full of wrecked stuff and tooth holes in all of my cardigans was enough to push me to class, promising myself a cupcake or 4 on the way home.

We learned all sorts of awesome training methods and I can proudly say a year and a half later it super paid off.  I can also say that my stomach still clenches when we drive by the building where class was held.  I digress...

We were learning a sequence of commands for the pups to follow, going in the order of "sit" "yes" "watch me" "yes" "touch" "yes" followed by a treat for their efforts.  But B was the youngest one there, and really wanted to play, and I was frustrated and waaaay out of my comfort zone and, well, me.  So as we were going through the commands and I was trying to be patient and keep his attention, I kept mixing the commands up and saying "touch me".

So in front of all these other people, who I hope to gosh were minding their own damn business and focusing on their own dogs, I was commanding TOUCH ME to B.  After about 15 mins I heard what I was saying, but spent another 30 at least trying to train myself out of it, and another few days at home.

We had all sorts of other adventures at these classes, such as the day that B pissed all over my boots in front of everyone, a fuck you of sorts for leash training I suppose.

But I have to say, I love the little guy so much that I was able to put aside my huge anxieties and attended all of those classes and give it my all.  I walked him and gave commands in front of the whole class, and my voice may have shook (it did in my head) but I persevered and I'll be damned if we didn't graduate.  Got a little certificate and everything.

The little dude is just as cute these days, and only half the devil at almost two years old that he was at 6 months.  He fills my heart and he calms my anxieties.  He forces me to get out of the house and to talk to people.  He also does an awesome sit, watch me, touch sequence.

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